NGC450 ended on a success



After 3 years of collaborative work, the NGC450 project ended on a technical success


The aim of NGC450 collaborative project was the development of a 450mm wafer handling platform to support the 450mm transition in Europe. RECIF has developed an atmospheric Equipment Front End Module (EFEM) integrated with Asys vacuum cluster, driven by a Cluster Tool Controller (CTC) developed by AIS.


The integrated wafer handling platform was successfully installed @ imec upon September 2014. It surpassed all expectations in terms of cleanliness and throughput. The consortium successfully demonstrated that a 450mm cluster could sustain the throughput of a 300mm equivalent cluster, for a given process.


This achievment was made possible thanks to the support of public authorities from France (DGE), Austria (FFG), and Ireland and thanks to the guidance of CATRENE.


The consortium is composed of 8 partners from 4 countries: EVG (AT), AIS, ASYS, Fraunhofer IISB, HAP (DE), CEA Léti, RECIF Technologies (FR), Intel (IE), with support of imec (BE).


Today this project delivers an off-the-shelf and turnkey solution for 450mm automation, and automated wafer loading / unloading into process or metrology chambers, in atmospheric or vacuum environments.


Advanced cleanliness of RECIF atmospheric robotics (particles and ion metal) has demonstrated the capability to support 10/7 nm technologies, while offering fast throughput. More detailed data are available upon request through your regular sales contact or [email protected].


NGC450 achievments will constitute key inputs for follow-up programs in ECSEL JU and CATRENE frameworks. It will also stimulate the collaboration with partners from outside Europe.


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